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MAGic Bioprocessing receives funding from Vinnova

Posted on Friday 12 June 2020

MAGic Bioprocessing has received a 400 000 SEK grant from Vinnova, Swedens Innovation Agency. The grant has been provided within the program Competence Centers; support for SME´s 2020. The funding will be used during 2020 to develop and test magnetic beads for the purification of monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins and cells. The project will be conducted in collaboration with the Cell Technology Group (CETG) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH).

MAGic Bioprocessing is a member of the competence center of Advanced BioProduction (AdBioPro) Vinnova 2016-05181 which is coordinated by KTH. AdBioPro aims to developing competitive technology for bioproduction, focusing on the imminent paradigm shift towards continuous processes of biopharmaceuticals, and on manufacturing of emerging potent therapeutic products such as recombinant viral vector and cell products. Read more about AdBioPro here