

At the research lab, small-scale processing of peptides, proteins, antibodies or cells from crude sample mixtures like serum, whole blood, ascites, food-samples or unclarified cell cultures can be performed in volumes from 100 µl to 2 ml. By using 10-200 µl of MAGicBeads together with the MAGicSep 5 cube or 1×10 magnetic rack enables fast, reliable and easy separation of up to 6 mg of proteins per each tube via serial or parallel-process manual configuration.

The MAGicBeads are also compatible with robotic system such as the KingFisher™ Flex unit (Thermo Fisher) allowing the use of our beads in automatic setups for high-throughput screening.


Case studies

Parallel purification of scFv antibody fragments using MAGicBeads PrtA

A comparative test of MAGicBeads SerA and HiTrap® PrtA column


During the development phase, medium-scale processing of peptides, proteins or antibodies from clarified- or unclarified cell-culture mixtures is performed in sample volumes from 5 ml up to a few liters. The use of the MAGicSep 50 or MAGicSep 500 together with 200µl – 30ml of settled MAGicBeads offers a durable, convenient and fast separation platform of up to gram quantities of proteins per each bottle via serial or parallel-process manual configuration.

By combining the different MAGicSep units, low expressed target peptides and proteins can be captured from a large volume and then washed and eluted in a smaller sized vessel, thus achieving a significant product concentration.


Case studies

Time study of parallel mAb purification from clarified CHO-cell broth at 1ml MAGicBeads PrtA scale



During the production phase of biopharmaceuticals, large-scale recovery of the product from an unclarified cell-culture is performed in a one step clarification and purification by using the propietary designed MAGicFilter units together with the affinity-coupled MAGicBeads. The magnetic filter separators are capable to capture up to 40 liters of MAGicBeads at high flow rates making them suitable to process up to kilo grams of proteins or antibodies per purification cycle.

By utilizing the magnetic-based capture approach, the biopharmaceutical can be recovered directly from the cell-containing culture with the same or better quality as for a conventional 2-step clarification and purification mode using depth filters and column chromatography.


Case studies

Magnetic bead purification of mAb from cell broth